• 651-558-2200
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Frogtown hosts some of the best bonspiels in the country and there is one happening every month. Come find out why Frogtown is "The Fun Club"! Our bonspiels welcome curlers of all levels and we strongly encourage new teams to try one out, we think you'll make it a regular part of your curling season. All bonspiel registrations will have state and local sales tax added at check-out.

Canadian Team? Frogtown accepts Canadian team registrations at par (1:1 Canadian/US Dollar Rate) for all our bonspiels (excluding The Big Spiel). Email us after registration and we will refund the difference.

See Our Active Bonspiel Registrations

Check out the summary of all our bonspiels below.


Spiel of the DeadOCTOBER: The Spiel of the Dead is an annual Frogtown invitational. Held on the weekend before Halloween the spiel features 32 teams in 4 events with fantastic themes and a cut-throat costume competition.

If you played last year the spiel orgainizer will contact you late summer/early fall to confirm your spot for the following year. When registration opens you will be provided a password for the event registration to pay the entry fee and secure your spot. (If you want to get on the waiting list, please drop a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, contact info, and home club.)

Scheduled for October 25-27, 2024

NOVEMBER: 2023 Pride SpielLet's get ready to celebrate! This 32-team event celebrates LGBTQIA+ people and their allies in the sport of curling. We are proudly hosting Minnesota’s 2nd Annual Pride Spiel, and one of only 6 Pride Spiels in the nation. Join curlers from across the country and Canada to kick off the curling season with a fun-filled weekend. 

All curlers are welcome!

Prepare yourselves for a colorful weekend of Pride and Positivity, that includes:

  • Raffles, Games & Contests!
  • Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar
  • Drag Entertainment
  • What We Do Best... BRUNCH!
  • ...And So Much More!

There will also be opportunities to make donations toward a local LGBTQIA+ charity organization that will be announced at the event.

Scheduled for November 8-10, 2024. Preregistration for past participants begins 6/1/2024 (check email for password). General Registration Opens 6/15/2024.

Bonspiel Registrations

November: We're pulling together a 5 and Under for the 2024-2025 Season!

This is a 30-team Pool Play tournament: 6 pools consisting of 5 teams each. Each team is guaranteed 4 games and a bye during pool play rounds.


  • 6 Pool Play Draws Friday, 11/15
  • 4 Pool Play Draws Saturday, 11/16; 1 Quarter-Final Draw
  • Semi-Final and Championship Draws Sunday, 11/17

Registration is now open!


aurora spiel sq400DECEMBER: Our Aurora Women's Spiel is a fantastic opportunity to meet more female curlers and make new friendships all in 1st class Frogtown Bonspiel style. This 32-team bonspiel offers multiple sign up options, so sign up as an individual, pair, threesome, or team of 4. We will pair people up as needed and work hard on finding the right team for you. 

All food and drink is included for the entire weekend. Hope to see you there!!

Mark your calendar for December 6-8, 2024. General registration is planned to open August 16.

Bonspiel Registrations

I've got a lot of problems with you people. And now you're going to hear about it!December 23rd:  The World's only one-day, Festivus-themed, jitney-style curling bonspiel, FestivuSpiel is held each year at the Frogtown Curling Club on December 23rd. Don't miss the Pole, the Airing of Grievances or the Feats of Strength

8 teams, 3 draws, 3 events, one day of curling fun!  Sign up as an individual and we will put the teams together based on years of experience.  It's a bonified Frogtown Festivus miracle!!

The event of the year happens December 23, 2024. General registration will open November 8, 2024 at 1:11 AM.

Bonspiel Registrations


TBS 2023Logo JANUARY: The Big Spiel is a charitable event supporting the Twin Cities Curling Association (TCCA) and its mission. Starting Thursday in early January, the Big Spiel happens at 4 metro area clubs: St. Paul Curling Club, Frogtown Curling Club, Four Seasons Curling Club, and Chaska Curling Club. The event has a 4-game guarantee and you'll play at least 3 of the 4 participating clubs.

The 2025 Big Spiel will happen January 9-12, 2025

More information can be found here:

TCCA Website

PolarSpiel 2025 LogoFEBRUARY: Frogtown's most popular February bonspiel! Two days only, this bonspiel is perfect for anyone looking to escape the cold, desolate, Minnesota winter landscape by standing on some ice. Polar Spiel is an open bonspiel, and all teams are welcome to join us at the Fun Club.

Scheduled for February 1-2, 2025. General registration is planned to open November 1, 2024.

Bonspiel Registrations

MARCH: This is the Frogtown Member's Bonspiel. Special invitation is required if fewer than three (3) members of your team are not current Frogtown members.This bonspiel fills in record fast time. As fast as 7 minutes after opening. The previous year's bonspiel champion and winner of a special volunteer drawing get guaranteed event entry prior to open registration. 

Scheduled for March 7-9, 2025. Stay tuned at the club for more information as we get closer... registration may open in December of 2024 this coming season.

The Mixed Wind-Up is the year-end wrap-up for the 6:00 Friday Mixed League in late March. It is a mixed format (two men, two women, alternate throws), 2-day bonspiel (Fri-Sat) with delightful food arrays.

Invitations are extended to the 6:00 Friday Mixed League players. Additional invitations are at the discretion of the organizer as needed to run the event. Any interested parties will be directed to the organizer for information and opportunities.

APRIL: Ice Out is Frogtown’s year-end extravaganza open to anyone who wants to enjoy a weekend tossing rocks at the Fun Club.

Scheduled for April 4-6, 2025. General registration is planned for Febrary 2, 2025 at 8:00 AM

Bonspiel Registrations

Our Location

743 Western Avenue North
Saint Paul, MN 55103

Contact Us

Phone: 651-558-2200

Email: [email protected]

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