Become a Frogtown Curling VIP!
The Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP) is meant to benefit both the club and members by providing rewards for helping out at the club. Starting with the 2023-24 season, “frogs” will be awarded to members for each volunteer effort, which are translated into end-of-year rewards and entries into an end-of-year raffle. Anyone who volunteers at least once throughout the year gets invited to the end-of-year VIP party, with food and beverages to show our appreciation!
To see all the details about the incentive progam and rewards click Read More. Volunteer opportunities are posted at the bottom of this page as well as at the club (check the board on the "crock pot wall"). Need to recruit volunteers? Send details about your volunteer opportunity to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to have it posted here and at the club.