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Schedules, Standings, Playoffs, and Subs - Standings

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Every game counts in the standings.  Whether you have 13 or 14 games, every game counts.  There are no exhibition games.  Even on the last week of the season, there are still some teams that are playing each other for the first time.  So please play all the games if you can, and make up the games you miss if at all possible. 

There are NO ties, whether in regular season or playoffs.  All games must have a winner.  If your game is tied after 8 ends (or if your run out of time), then resolve the tie by playing a short end in which each player throws a single stone (i.e. 4 total per team).

Please recognize that some teams don’t care about standings, and some teams care a lot.  Which ever way you choose to think about it is perfectly fine, but please be fair and reasonable with each other.  

Because teams play an unbalanced number of games, standings are determined by win percentage, not number of wins or losses.  That’s also how we resolve standings when we have weather-related club shutdowns, for example. 

Missed Games/Make-Up Games

If you have to miss a game, please take responsibility to contact the club manager and your opponents in advance. You can contact other teams directly through this site. Try to figure out a make-up time if at all possible. 

Any make-up games must be completed prior to the final scheduled regular season game as standings are finalized on that date.

  • If a team was a no-show, with no prior contact or warning, they get a loss and you get a win.  If this occurs, please inform the manager so the standings can be updated appropriately.
  • If games were cancelled by the club (e.g. inclement weather), by default the game is neither a win nor a loss for either team.  We encourage you to make up the game if at all possible, which would allow the standings to reflect the actual results.  Work with your opponents and the club managers to find a suitable time.  All make-up games must be completed prior to the last scheduled regular season game for your league (at which time the standings will be frozen for the playoff seeding).  We recognize that it may be impossible for some games to be rescheduled.  Thus some teams may have fewer 'total games' in the win-percentage calculation used to determine the final standings.
  • If a team can't make a scheduled game, by default the game will be recorded as a loss for that team and a win for the opponent (provided that the teams notify the manager which team has forfeited).  This will be true regardless of whether they contact the opponents in advance or not.  Again, teams are encouraged to reschedule the game, in which case standings would then be updated to reflect the actual result.
  • Please be courteous by communicating in advance to your opponents and the managers.  Note:  If a game is missed and neither team has contacted the manager, then both teams will have a loss recorded for the game until the teams provide updated information or the game is rescheduled and played later.  

Standings Tie-Break Procedure

If win percentage is exactly tied (down to the decimal point), tie-breakers (in order) are:

  • If two teams are tied
    • Best head-to-head record against each other
    • If still tied, coin flip
  • If three or more teams are tied:
    • best record against other tied teams
      • this may eliminate one or more teams or resolve to two teams being tied, per above
      • if this gets it down to two teams left, use head-to-head record of those two teams
    • if multiple teams still tied, coin flips

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743 Western Avenue North
Saint Paul, MN 55103

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